Feldenkrais®International Training Program Milano10

Milan, Italy February 2020 – July 2023

Accredited by the EuroTAB and AIIMF

Educational Director: Mara Della Pergola Feldenkrais Trainer

Application form at the end of the page

Mara Della Pergola is one of the most experienced practitioners in Europe. After having studied directly with Moshe Feldenkrais in his last training program in Amherst 1980/83, she has been practicing and training students for more than 35 years.

Since 1988 she has been teaching in trainings in Italy, as well as in several other European Countries, USA, Mexico and Colombia. She is known for the clarity, the creativity and the accessibility of her teaching.

Mara is the Director of IsFel,the Istituto di Formazione Feldenkrais in Milano. She is the author of several articles about the Method and the successful book Lo sguardo in movimento. Arte trasformazione e metodo Feldenkrais, ed.Astrolabio 2017. Which has not being translated into English as yet.

The training program will include various highly qualified, inspiring teachers in the Feldenkrais field. Many of them have studied with Moshe Feldenkrais himself and they all have different backgrounds and different teaching styles. A number of Assistant Trainers, according to the number of students, will be provided.

The Training is organized in segments of 40 working days per year, over a period of 3 and a half years, for an amount of 160 days. Classes will be in English and Italian with translation.

Summer segments take place in Asiago, a beautiful mountain village near Venice. Asiago is renowned for its sport facilities such as: tennis, horse riding, swimming in lakes, trekking, etc. It is also an interesting tourist site as it is close to some of the most beautiful cities in Italy: Venice, Verona, Padova, Vicenza.


First year 2020 – 2021

7 – 12 February 2020- 6 days
Mara Della Pergola

17 – 23 April  – 7 days
Anne Candardjis

4 – 9 September – 6 days
Sabine Pfeffer

24 October – 1 November  8 days
Mara Della Pergola

30 January – 7 February 2021  – 8 days
Thomas Farnbacher, Mara Della Pergola

24 April – 2 May – 8 days
Mara Della Pergola


Third year 2022

23 – 28 April – 6 days
Mara Della Pergola

1 – 25 July – 20 days
Mara Della Pergola, Elizabeth Beringer 

3 – 8 September – 6 days
Mara Della Pergola

29 October – 6 November 2022 – 8 days
Mara Fusero, Mara Della Pergola

Second year 2021 – 2022

26 June – 1 July – 6 days
Mara Della Pergola
28 August – 7 September – 10 days
Scott Clark

30 October – 7 November 2021 – 8 days
Anna Maria Caponecchi

4 – 8 December 2021 – 5 days
Garet Newell

29 January – 3 February 2022 – 6 days
Mara Della Pergola


Fourth year 2023

28 January – 5 February 2023 – 8 days
Mara Fusero 

22 April – 1 May – 9 days
Petra Koch

1 – 25 July – 20 days
Mara Della Pergola


First year

In the first year of the training program the students will move their first steps into the basic principles of the Feldenkrais Method. The main aim is to let students plunge into the sensorial experience of ATM practice.

Through daily ATM lessons, individual FI lessons, theoretical lessons, demonstrations and practice in groups, students will start to lay the foundations of their learning process, to recognize the differences in their own and other people’s way of moving (orientation, organization and intention), they will learn how to spot what is missing in the image of the movement and how to find a good self organization in order to get in contact with another person.

Second year

The second year of the training is specifically focused on the structure and the function of ATM and FI lessons. All the aspects and all the elements of an ATM lesson will be addressed. Individual practice as well as group activities will take place with the supervision and the support of the staff.

The students will begin to recognize some basic functional configurations and they will learn how to apply these observations in the FI and ATM.

The practice of IF is a crucial tool for a deep understanding of ATM lessons.

By the end of second year, each student will be given a feedback by trainers about the way they teach ATM. After that students will be allowed to teach ATM, for their own learning, specifying that they are still attending the training program.

Starting from the first year, each student will receive three FI lessons per year by trainers, assistant trainers or experienced practitioners.

Goals of ATM teaching:

  • Start building a basic repertoire of ATM lessons
  • understand and be able to use different strategies in ATM lesson
  • learn how to give clear movement instructions based on sensations
  • learn how to sense, describe and use all the different ways of self-organization within the group
  • understand the functional themes within ATM lessons’ structure

Goals of FI teaching:

  • work with the skeletonin a functional way
  • reduce muscular work
  • explore functional correlations among proximal and distal parts of the body
  • explore the strict relationship amongst agonist-antagonist muscles
  • understand the meaning of differentiating and integrating
  • hold, support and inhibit movement patterns
  • work on breathing and attention
  • experience functional patterns and variations
  • experience development and sensory-motor learning
  • work on student’s self organization as a tool towards learning

Third Year

The third year is mainly focused around developing the ability to identify the different components of an FI lesson and to improve on the hands-on skills which is needed to achieve competency in FI. Specific attention is given to the student’s posture and self-organization whilst giving a lesson in order to improve their quality of touch.

The manual practice started during the first and second year continues and students are brought up to a higher level: how to give a FI lesson without separating the technique from the contexts of function and learning.

The intrinsic dynamics and common strategies of ATM and FI are constantly highlighted to improve the understanding and ability to teach them.

Target in FI lessons:

  • different orientation: supine, on the side, prone, sitting
  • skeletal movement patterns: flexion, extension, side banding, rotation and counter-rotation
  • connection between basic skeletal movement patterns and functional action patterns such as turn sideways, roll from prone to supine position, sitting and standing, walking
  • observing the person’s habitual patterns of movements and body organization in terms of function and learning process. The students gradually learn how to activate or inhibit the movement patterns of the client, by guiding the client’s attention in order to clarify and reorganize their self image.

Each student will receive a feedback of FI practice in order to clarify what he/she needs to improve on.

Fourth Year

During the fourth year all the topics of the previous years are enhanced. Each student will give at least two/three FIlessons to externalpeople under the Trainer supervision and guidance. Trainers will support the students developing the ability to give a complete FI and to address specific needs.
Future teachers learn how to maintain an open attitude towards the learning process and the analysis of movements patterns of clients, building at the same time a comfortable learning environment.

Some time is dedicated to the presentation of the Method and to the skills which are needed to start a new profession.

Students will be asked to write an essay (or audio/video recording) of a teaching project. Both the project and the supervision of a final FI will contribute to the achievement of the diploma.

Qualified practitioners of the Feldenkrais Method are recognized by all Feldenkrais Organization in the World.


The Training is designed to train people from different cultural and/or professional backgrounds. We accept students regardless of profession, age, gender, race, or physical ability. A mixed group has always been an incentive and an asset of the training.

To complete the enrolment each applicant has to be interviewed by the Educational Director in order to explain their motivation for attending the training program, each attendant also has to provide the following documents:

  • subscription form
  • CV and a copy of the previous diplomas
  • a recent passport photo
  • a motivation letter (including previous experiences with the method)
  • state of health
  • bank transfer receipt of 500,00 € as deposit fee (Bank transfer to Istituto di Formazione Feldenkrais                                                      IBAN: IT18G0306909400100000010264 Bank: Banca Intesa San Paolo, via G. Verdi 8 Milano)

By the following month, after receiving the application, the school will send a confirmation letter and a meeting with the ED will be scheduled. The number of places is limited. Subscriptions will be accepted according to rule of precedence.

Annual tuition

Fee: € 3.550,00 per year.
The annual fee is payable in three installments and includes the audio recordings of all segments.

Cancellation Policy

In case of no participation there is a non-refundable application fee of € 100, the rest of the deposit fee will be refunded.


Training programs are subject to cancellation as result of insufficient enrollments, teachers and/or location availability. In case of instructor and/or location variations, applicants will be notified 30 days in advance.

Administrative office

The administrative office carries out all administrative and secretarial procedures in accordance with the needs of the course, and also provides all information related to the training and about accommodation and services, in Milan and in Asiago.



Application form