Deepening specific topics for teachers and 4th year students
Advanced Training 2015
8, 9 e 10 May 2015, three days with Mara Della Pergola, Milano
8, 9 e 10 May 2015, three days with Mara Della Pergola, Milano
Advanced Training 2014
The Seventh Cervical Crossroads, a Central Site for Difficulty and Integration. 21,22 e 23 March 2014 with Mara Della Pergola
21, 22 e 23 March 2014, three days with Mara Della Pergola Milano
When people complain of discomfort in their necks or backs, we often notice that they perceive the base of the neck unclearly. This lack of clarity in the seventh cervical area results in a dampening of force in the upper-back and neck region, in a way that interferes with healthy movement and often creates pain.
When the C7 area is unclear in many daily actions, the movement of the arms and legs can’t easily reach the head. In the same way the head-and-neck movements, which are needed for spatial orientation, can’t reach the floor or the base of sustainment. Therefore, the head is not connected in a good functional way to the rest of the person. Moshe talks about the heat produced in those areas, where there is a lack of movement, as a major cause of pain and future inflammation.
In FI and ATM we can efficiently create significant links between unclearly perceived parts, just by moving them with a different logic and having in mind that there are trails that can be opened or restored according to our daily actions.
In these three days we will reach the base of the neck starting from far away, from the arms and thorax or from the legs, and from there we will restore the pathways in order to enrich the quality of our basic functions and gestures.
This Advanced Training has been presented at the Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego and in Southern France during 2012.
Mara Della Pergola studied with Moshe Feldenkrais in Amherst and currently teaches two trainings in Italy. The first Italian practitioner, she is the founder and director for more than 25 years of Istituto di Formazione Feldenkrais in Milan, where she lives. Mara is known for creating a fun and engaging learning environment, as well as for the creativity and accessibility of her teaching. Her background is in the psycho-social field and theater.
Hours: Friday 13:00-18:30, Saturday 10:00-17:00, Sunday 9:30 -16:30
Fee: 300.00 €
Special fee: enrollment before February 10 270.00 €.
Info: Istituto di Formazione Feldenkrais
Corso di Porta Nuova 32 Milano
0039 (0)2 6590508
Advanced training 2012
The Seventh Cervical Crossroads, a Central Site for Difficulty and Integration. Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego
1-2 December, with Mara Della Pergola, Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego
When people complain of discomfort in their necks or backs, we often notice that they perceive the base of the neck unclearly. This lack of clarity in the seventh cervical area results in a dampening of force in the upper-back and neck region, in a way that interferes with healthy movement and often creates pain.
When the C7 area is unclear in many daily actions, the movement of the arms and legs can’t easily reach the head. In the same way the head-and-neck movements, which are needed for spatial orientation, can’t reach the floor or the base of sustainment. Therefore, the head is not connected in a good functional way to the rest of the person. Moshe talks about the heat produced in those areas, where there is a lack of movement, as a major cause of pain and future inflammation.
In FI and ATM we can efficiently create significant links between unclearly perceived parts, just by moving them with a different logic and having in mind that there are trails that can be opened or restored according to our daily actions.
In these two days we will reach the base of the neck starting from far away, from the arms and thorax or from the legs, and from there we will restore the pathways in order to enrich the quality of our basic functions and gestures.
Mara Della Pergola studied with Moshe Feldenkrais in Amherst and currently teaches two trainings in Italy. The first Italian practitioner, she is the founder and director for more than 25 years of Istituto di Formazione Feldenkrais in Milan, where she lives. Elizabeth and Mara taught a training program together, and Elizabeth is very pleased to welcome Mara to the Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego. Mara is known for creating a fun and engaging learning environment, as well as for the creativity and accessibility of her teaching. Her background is in the psycho-social field and theater.
Advanced training 2009
Coming upright, Milano e Asiago
25 – 30 giugno Elisabeth Beringer, (Mara Della Pergola co-teaching in the last 2 days)
This last segment will focus on being upright. We will work in standing and in situations with balance challenges. This will include themes that can be used for entire lessons as well as for ending and integrating work that has taken place in other positions. As part of the focus on balance we will do more detailed work with the organization of the feet and legs relating that through to the head. We will also continue to deepen the participants comfort in working with and through the head and neck area, especially as it relates to balance and standing.